Scottish Water safe choices
Client_ Scottish Water
Agency_ This is Home
Creative direction_ Ben King
For Scottish Water, getting each and every colleague home safe at the end of the day is what matters most. Their aspiration is to create an environment where it is second nature for everyone to consider the health and safety implications of their actions.
They wanted to create a short interactive film that guided the user into making 'safe choices'. The film would be supported by a microsite that challenged employees to think about safety in a new and engaging way. I developed the look and feel of the microsite and the UI overlays to the video, working with external developers to achieve this aim. These included title and end screens, multiple choice questions and a considered UX that allowed the user to repeat or move on to the next scene.
With this new tool and likely more to follow, Scottish Water will be leading the way in ensuring it's colleagues make safe choices in every job they do.
Responsible for
- Design direction
- Copywriting
- Animation

The UI's to the video had to be clear and concise, with a max of three questions per slide. I extensively cut down copy in order to achieve this and make it fit into a limited space. The choice of the brand's lime green colour ensured CTA buttons stood out effectively. A progress tracker was added along the bottom to keep the user informed at all times.

An external film agency recorded on-site the characters and action, liasing with us on the script and structure of the film.

I devised the look and feel of the animation of the UI elements as they appear on screen.

If you'd like to discuss an opportunity please email me with a brief outline of your project and we'll take it from there. You can also see what I get up to on social media.